thoughts shaped by people, places, and experience

T. S. Eliot

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.


AND... We're off.

Little Rock... It's been fun. Goodnight and goodbye for now!

I'll update as soon as I can down there. Please keep Abby and me in your prayers as we travel tomorrow- and please inform me of what's going on in your lives! I want to keep up with you and pray for you.

Isaiah 58:5-14


  1. I love you girly!! I'll be praying for you :)

  2. Praying God's blessings on you both. Look forward to hearing how He moves.

  3. you're there now!! whoo hoo! :) Well, i'm saying that not having heard anything yet, which i think is a good thing. :) but i'm just so proud of you, and it's so neat to see you walking by faith. such an encouragement to me. loving you and praying for you. daily. :)



About Me

My photo
Little Rock, AR, United States
I want to learn how to love as I have been loved.
