thoughts shaped by people, places, and experience

T. S. Eliot

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.



Hey guys! Abby and I are here safe. All I can say is that Costa Rica is breathtakingly beautiful and that God is at work in this community. I shall give a better update pronto! We're a little crunched for time today :)

Thanks for the prayers! I feel so blessed to be supported by you all!


  1. I was starting to think you totally missed the connection!!!! Glad you are there. Estoy orando mucho. Que Dios te bendiga grandemente, Te am mucho.

  2. Yay!!! I miss you so bad Rachel!!! But i'm so glad your there and safe <3 We'll keep praying girly :D

  3. So glad you made it there safely! God is so good! make sure you get some pictures of the breathtaking beauty! :)


About Me

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Little Rock, AR, United States
I want to learn how to love as I have been loved.
