Yesterday, as Abby and I worked construction, I was given a new insight into Hebrews 4:15. Let me explain something first. The construction for the Abraham project operates on faith, so they only use donated recycled wood. I wish you could see some of the rough wood, and then see the finished product! The transformation that the wood goes through is incredible- and like Don Herbert, my Tico padre, said- it represents how Jesus renews our hearts and makes them into something beautiful. Anyways, the first step in making this wood useful is to removed nails, screws, and staples from the boards. This process, to say the least, is tedious. So as Abby and I worked on a board with particularly obstinate staples, our backs hurting from bending over all afternoon, I had a thought. I put down my martillo (hammer) and looked at Abby. “Jesus was a carpenter.”
“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that.”
I looked up to the sky, a bit chagrined and baffled by the thought that Jesus never once sinned because of a stubborn nail.
I picked up my martillo and said, “We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses.”
“I’ve been thinking about that too…”
We just kinda laughed.
Here is a picture of me and my “sobrina” (niece) Rachel.
She is absolutely precious. She and Abby and I play cards, do puzzles, play monkey in the middle, and just hang out and talk. There are many members of this household- Don Herberth and Dona Nuria, their daughter Rebecca and their son Andres. Their other son Richard lives next door with his wife Melissa and daughter Rachel. Oh, I cant forget the Pajaritos (birds) that live here. I believe there are now three birds residing at the Solano house- the newest one is a bright yellow canary that arrived this morning. David, the Solano’s middle son, lives with his wife Natalia and newborn Sofia in the same neighborhood. These people are wonderful- they know and love Jesus and bless us each day. Don Herberth prayed for our families when we showed them pictures. Dona Nuria, like my mom, is a tireless servant- I want to be like them when I grow up.
As you might know, Volcan Turrialba erupted a few days ago. It’s been all over the news, and we have personally been affected by the eruption because ash has made it this far and has fallen on the plants, the bicycles, and rooftops here in Villas. This experience has been a good time of testing for Abby, because, as she said, burning alive would not be fun. It would be painful. She is right. We have a group from the states coming next week, and their plan was to visit Volcan Irazu, which is considered active. I don’t know if Abby will be joining us ☺
We had a discipleship/devotional time the other day with our new bosses- Jonathan and Amy. They are wonderful people. They have a gorgeous little girl, Caia, and baby Isaac is due to arrive within the next few weeks! I really look forward to getting to know Jonathan and Amy- they love Jesus and have a huge heart for other people. It’s nice to have some gringos around ☺ They lamented the fact that I am a Florida Gator, they themselves being Georgia fans, but other than that I think we’ll be great friends.
The people here are so gospel- centered. Jonathan told us that whenever the construction crew hires someone new (they have employees from within and without the church) they share the gospel with them. I showed my puzzle ring (a cross which tells the gospel as you put it together) to my Tico family last night, and Don Herberth asked me to share it with the guys on the construction site today. It seemed such a small thing, but he takes every opportunity possible to share the gospel because, he told me, that some of the guys don’t know Jesus yet. Several of the crew members used to be in gangs, and now lead their former gang members in a Bible study, hoping that some will come to Christ. Another guy, Victor, has a drama ministry that travels to different communities and uses drama and mime to share the gospel. Don Herbert introduced us to Castillo today, a young guy that has a heart for youth and has lead many to the Lord.
And where do I fit in with all these people? I’m still figuring that out. As interns, we are given manifold responsibilities. We’re here to help Jonathan and Amy and to fill in other places where we are needed. So as Abby and I grow in the knowledge of what we’re supposed to be doing here, pray that we will be servants- that Jesus would increase and that we would decrease. Pray that no matter what we’re doing- sharing the gospel or cleaning toilets, that we would be imitators of our heavenly father, and live a life of love.
I wish you all could see the sunsets here. The other night I was on the back porch watching the sun go down, and I was struck by Psalm 46:10:
Be still and know that I am God.
I will be exalted in the Heavens.
I will be exalted among the nations.
What an amazing promise. We are weak, earthen vessels in the hands of our Lord, and he deems it good to use us. He will get glory through us. May our desire to see his glory increase with each day that passes.
Alrighty. I don’t think I can write any more at the moment. I promise that these posts will become more organized someday ☺
Keep us in your prayers- and praise the Lord with us for safe travel and good health! We are well cared for by the missionaries here and by our Tico family. Pray that Abby and I will serve with joy and love. Continue to pray that we will learn and retain Spanish- especially Bible verses and gospel presentations. Pray that we will show the love of Jesus to all the people here- especially the children that have come from such awful backgrounds. More to come on that... Wow I haven't even told you about the children here yet! You're in for a treat.
Views form the back porch.
Coffee fields on the way to the project! We're very fond of walking...
Thank you so much for sharing...everything. :) you and abby both challenge me and my own heart to be more courageous. God is taking care of you and it is so neat to see Him at work there, and in both of your hearts! praying for you. love you.
ReplyDeleteGlad things are going so well...and great word :)
ReplyDeleteThanks rachel for the post! It was so good to hear about everything that is happening. It has also challenged me! I will keep you in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteAy Raqulita. Como quisiera estar alli contigo. Pienso que eres de gran bendicion a la familia con quien estas. Aren't they a blessing!!!! Estas hablando muy bien y positivo de la obra alli y eso da gloria a nuestro Padre. Estoy orando por ti--que por medio de esta aventura, puedes conocer a tu Salvador en una manera intima y mejor. Te amo mucho y estoy orgullosa por lo que esta pasando en tu vida. Que sigas adelante. Cuidate mucho. Como te va el espanol?
ReplyDeleteWhat ever Lucinda said, yeah that goes for me too. It is a blessing to hear the joy and excitement in your words! Although we miss you, we are gladdened to know how God plans to use you there!
ReplyDeleteWow, so beautiful! I miss you so much girly!! Today Kate and I are going over to your house. I'm so happy with what God is doing in your life. I'll be praying for you, Love you
enjoyed reading a bit of what you're experiencing. :)
ReplyDeleteRACHEL!!! i am so excited for you! it was amazing to hear those stories! I am so jealous!! can't wait to hear more stories!!
ReplyDeletei love you!
Kate the Great